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Believe in Yourself - You're Worth It!

Why are our beliefs so important? Well, they direct all of our thoughts and actions. Whatever it is we want to change…our beliefs are the foundation. Sure there are external factors that impact our route to that change. The driver; however, is our beliefs.

Some people achieve the results they were striving for, and others may struggle more in spite of all their work. It isn’t a matter of luck, it’s a matter of the energy. It’s the vibrations we send out from our “inside world” to the “outside world.” Of course we all feel uncertainty about taking a chance on something new, questioning whether we have the skills to handle the new venture. This is where your beliefs come in. If you tend to have more a more negative belief system, chances are you will automatically assume things will not turn out, it won’t be as good as someone else’s experience. Right? If you tend to have a more positive foundation, you will most likely see things in a different light. Your view is one that sees things moving forward providing new experiences from which to learn and grow. Bumps in life happen to everyone. How your beliefs filter your response to those bumps that make the difference.

Pay attention to your self-talk. Take a moment to ask yourself “what belief is triggering that negative self-talk?” You may be surprised at the answer that pops in your head! It’s all in your internal neighborhood. It may be uncomfortable to notice those thoughts, but that is a great catalyst to start changing the negative to positive. By positive, I don’t mean an unrealistic Pollyanna perspective. It means being able to look at situations (good or bad) openly. What can I learn from it? What do I own in it? Am I ok?

A mindfulness practice is a great tool to help with changing those beliefs. It helps remove the negative lenses we all get from time to time and see things non-judgmentally. Doing so helps provide a stronger sense of calm and clarity. It helps us realize we are truly enough. Give a mindful meditation session a try or check out resources available on the internet. Mindful is a great site to check out (click here). By seeing only the negative in life or constantly coming up with negative results for things that have not happened, you are missing out on the great things that happen every day. Some situations are tough, no question, but believing in yourself gives you the focus to handles those challenging times. Believe in yourself because you are worth it!