Book A Session 

Face The Fears and Pursue Those Dreams

“People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don't deserve them, or that they'll be unable to achieve them.”

― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Did you feel a little uneasy when you read that title? Me too! Most of us feel that same way. Bottom line, people don’t like change. They fear change, in fact. More to come on that in a minute. So stay with me, ok?

What did the little voice in the back of your head say (ok, scream) to you when you read Dreams? Did you instantly think “I don’t have any. I’m too old for that” or “What if I fail?” and the ever present “I don’t deserve to do that.”  While you may not have them jotted on a notepad in the desk drawer, those little snippets of dreams and someday-I’d-like-tos are floating in the back of your mind. Those dreams really are there, deeply planted by Spirit (however you define that). Each of us was made to do something great. The big question remains…

Will you accept that challenge?

I sure hope you do. Of course there are some fears that will put up a roadblock or two…but if you want that dream badly enough, you will find a way around those blocks. You truly are made to do incredible things! It will just take a bit of work to make it come together.

What do those goals look like? Maybe write a novel, create a garden, learn a new skill, paint a portrait, walk 3 miles every day. Set those goals and go for it---without fear. Leave that in a box by the side of the road. Ok…realistically there will be fear. Just do it with a little less fear.

Here are a few tips to help along the way.

Overcome the Fear of Other People’s Opinions

How many times have you wanted to do something and then the thought of someone not approving of you doing it stopped you in your tracks? Maybe the prospect of disapproval from others you don’t even know made you quit. Dr. Suess said it best:

               "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind
                don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

Remember, other people are not who you are trying to please!

Overcome the Fear of Failure

Here’s a news flash…you will fail at some point. We all do. Don’t let that stop you.

There is not one single perfect human walking this earth. Every one of us has failed at some
level at something. Maybe we fall back in to bad habits, we procrastinate, we spend too much time on social media or games instead of doing those dreaded tasks.

The next time you fall, always remember you can and will get back up. You set out on a path toward this dream with clear intent. As the saying goes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!

 Overcome that Fear of Success

This is a real one, Folks! It’s based in fears like “I don’t deserve to succeed” or “What if I can’t continue to do well?” It’s that nasty word…change…that seems to get us every time. New things make us nervous or doubtful simply because we haven’t been there before.

Plain and simple.

That dream you have in mind, no matter the size, has never been achieved by you. It may never have been achieved by anyone, who knows! You don’t have a rulebook that needs to be followed, no map to dreams exists. All that does exist is that desire, that drive, that yearning to achieve that dream.

What to do, oh, what to do. Simple. Get going! Get good at modifying the original route. Make a plan, but be flexible. Change and the unknown can be scary. The key point is that it is a very important player in reaching your dream. Partner up with it!

Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be.
John Wooden

So…let’s get to defining that dream!