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Reiki Training Class - Level 2 (May 10, 2025)


This one-day certification course expands on Level 1. Level 2 discusses the use of symbols that increase the flow of Reiki, provide physical and emotional healing and empower sending healing energy across time and space. You will be introduced to new healing techniques and further develop intuitive abilities. Time will be allotted for guided hands-on experience to gain a comfort level when working with the energy. At the end of the course, you will be able to use the Level 2 symbols as well as send distance healing.

Course Fee: $225. Fee includes training manual, Reiki II certification, water, and snacks. The minimum class size is 2; the maximum class size is 6. 

Course Hours:  9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Location: W52N115 Pioneer Court, Cedarburg WI 53012

Training Course Objectives:

  • Receive Reiki Level 2 symbols, meanings, and applications
  • Learn to draw, activate and use the symbols
  • Overview of Distance Healing
  • Attunement (initiation) to perform Second Level Reiki
  • Learn & practice various techniques of sensing and working with energy
  • Byosen scanning, Reji-Ho, beaming, chakra balancing, removing toxic energy
  • Practice sending Reiki via eyes and breath

Level 2 Prerequisites:

Reiki Level I. If you are joining from another teacher, please provide a certificate and/or teacher contact information.