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What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing within mind, body, and spirit. It is based on the belief that all living things (whether we are talking about humans, animals or plants) are energy beings that have a universal life-force energy flowing through our beings. Things such as sadness, pain or frustration are a result of a blockage of that flow. When the energy flow is high and flowing freely, you are less likely to feel ill. Life energy plays an important role in everything we do.

Reiki is very simple, yet powerful. It is administered by a gentle "laying on of hands" with the client fully-clothed during the session and in a comfortable position . The practitioner places their hands either on or just above the recipient and acts as a channel for the life force energy. The energy removes the blocks and balances their internal energy system. This encourages the body to embrace its self-healing ability leaving the person with a wonderful sense of peace and calm.

Reiki sessions are completely safe for adults, children, and also animals. Many people describe their Reiki session as incredibly relaxing, providing them with a deep sense of peace. Each person's session is different. A person may experience different feelings during multiple sessions. The key thing to remember is that Reiki practitioners do not heal anyone. They are simply a channel for the life force energy.

Here are a few more points to consider about Reiki:

  • Reiki is a safe and simple healing technique. Its complementary use in the medical community is increasing. It can aid in recovery and side effects. It is a wonderful partner with other alternative therapies as well.
  • It is used to help with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing from muscle aches, to stress, to cancer.
  • Reiki practitioners don't cure anyone. They are a “funnel” for the life force energy or reiki. You, the client, have full control over how you wish to accept and use the energy through your own inner wisdom.