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Reiki: Healing vs. Curing

Often times we use words interchangeably assuming the meaning for both are the same. The terms healing and curing are great examples. According to the dictionary, to "heal" means to become healthy or well. It indicates to make the person whole or sound.  It is a process of becoming complete through the integration of mind, body, and spirit. To "cure" is to utilize something such as a drug or medical treatment to  stop disease and make a person healthy. That's quite a difference!

When folks feel anxious or in pain for a period of time, it is not unusual for them to search for something to give them relief. Our Western medical community has amazing ways to treat the symptoms. Yet, while the patient may be "cured", they still feel as though something is still missing. Curing focuses on eliminating the effects and not necessarily on determining the true cause of the illness.

A belief is held that illness and pain are indicative of something deeper within ourselves. Taking the opportunity to inwardly reflect, we can learn more about ourselves and promote personal growth. This healing helps us look at our past, our thoughts, and ideals to see how they may have impacted our lives and create internal change. Once we reach a true sense of self, the healing can begin and bring us to a higher level of understanding.

Every one of us has some type of mental or physical challenge to understand and address. The healing process offered through Reiki helps us to journey within and see what is not in balance. This then empowers us to identify changes that need to occur within our thinking, habits, and environment. Healing frees us to let go of what no longer serves us for the greatest good. It promotes vision and encouragement to move to a higher level within life's journey.

Any issue involving mind, body or spirit can benefit from Reiki. This works well in partnership with Western medical treatments. It is important to treat the whole person in order for them to move forward in a positive way.  Reiki does not guarantee a cure. The energy balancing received during Reiki engages the body's own self-healing. This is an amazing partnership with Western medicine.

My intent during your session is to help you gain balance and self-understanding on all levels for the greatest good. The foundation of good health is inner harmony. This unites a sense of self peace and calm, no matter what is taking place around us.